Hobby Specialties
Supplier for OS Film indoor model covering material, the lightest commercially available covering.
Indoor Specialties
Indoor free flight construction and flying equipment.
J&H Aerospace
Supplier of free flight kits, Science Olympiad models, and accessories and lots of fun things that fly.
Volare Products
Supplier of free flight kits, and flying accessories,
Lasercut planes
Great laser cut kits, Science Olympiad models, beginners models, and many other supplies and accessories
Wind It Up Enterprises
Owners of the amazing Peck-Polymers and Golden Age Reproductions
Retro RC
Despite the “RC” name RetroRC also carries some of the finest laser cut Free Flight kits, Science Olympiad models, and accoutrements in the hobby
FAI Model Supply, Inc
Provider of TAN SUPER SPORT RUBBER and many other supplies and accessories for the Free Flight Community